Becoming Catholic

Becoming Catholic

Whether a person is unbaptized or baptized in another tradition, if the Catholic way of life is something God seems to invite you to consider, here are some things to do:

Pray to God for enlightenment and courage.

Call St. Joseph Parish Office (544-7426) and ask for the RCIA Director, Sr. Mary Ellen.

Arrange a get-acquainted visit, meet the Director and learn about the process.

Come to the Inquiry Sessions where your questions are welcome. Learn about core beliefs and traditions and take a tour of the Church.

What does RCIA stand for?

The Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) is a parish ministry under the leadership of the Pastor or his designated director. It is the process the Catholic Church uses to welcome, instruct, apprentice and incorporate new members.

What is RCIA like?

At St. Joseph, members of the RCIA attend the 8:30 AM Sunday Mass and participate in the first part of the service, the Liturgy of the Word. After this, the Celebrant of the Mass calls RCIA members forward, gives them a brief instruction, and invites them to go with the Director and Catechist to begin the first part of the session. When the Mass ends (about 9:30), the group moves to another building for refreshments. The instructional session resumes and ends by 11:15 AM.

When does RCIA begin?

RCIA begins with the Rite of Acceptance. This year it will begin in September though new members can be folded into the group after that.

How long does RCIA last?

The journey to full membership in the Catholic Church is an individual matter. After sufficient instruction and prayerful discernment, provided there are no obstacles, members are called to the Sacraments of Initiation by the Bishop of the Diocese.

Recourse: RCIA brochure.pdf

Meet our Candidates and Catechumens


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RCIA brochure.pdf

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